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What are the purposes of the prefabricated box activity room?
2024-10-22 11:19:28

detachable container housecontainer house factory

What are the purposes of the prefabricated box activity room? Below, the editor of Suzhou assembly box house manufacturer will introduce it to you.

1. The high-end demand for temporary construction products on construction sites, such as office, accommodation, conference rooms, etc. for project managers;

2. Due to site limitations, construction sites can only install box type modular housing products;

3. Field operation rooms, such as field exploration and construction mobile offices, dormitories, etc;

4. Emergency rooms, such as military mobile command centers, emergency mobile command centers, disaster relief mobile command centers, etc.

The overall hanging series houses have strong adaptability to the environment and are easy to install on site. They can be widely used as temporary offices, accommodation, overall kitchens, bathrooms, and other high-end requirements.

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